We guarantee to refund your money if you are not delighted with your purchase. 若您对所购商品不满意,我们保证退款。
Of course, I cannot guarantee that a RUP certification will earn you more money. 当然,我不能保证RUP认证会帮您挣到更多的钱。
Fortunately under the banks'direct debit guarantee system, victims will get their money back. 幸运的是通过银行直接借记担保系统,受害者可以把钱拿回来。
Is there a guarantee that I can get my money back? 你能保证我能拿回钱吗?
I give my guarantee that I'll pay your money tomorrow. 我保证明天付给你钱。
And they told us that they were going to guarantee when we put our money in the bank, that the money was going to be there, and it was going to be insured. 然而,他们告诉我们,当我们把我们的钱存到银行,他们打算担保,这些钱将会被保户。
So, just guessing which number appears on the cube does not guarantee that you will win any money. 所以,只是猜测,出现在立方体并不能保证你会赢的钱。
If a creditor files an opposition within the time limit set forth in the above paragraph, the cooperative may not reduce the par value of each share or the guarantee money unless it pays off the debts owed to the creditor or provides an equivalent guarantee. 前项期限内债权人提出异议时,合作社非将其债务清偿,或提供相当之担保,不得减少社股金额或保证金额。
Mrs Clinton would be a one-woman solution to the Republicans'problems, a guarantee that money will flow into the party's coffers and that true-red voters will troop to the polls. 希拉里或许是共和党最后的救命稻草,只有她才能确保共和党资金充裕,保守派选民倾巢出动。
But there are people at JPMorgan, in Beijing and in New York, who fear that the credit guarantee business is a licence to lose money. 但摩根大通在北京和纽约都有员工担心,信贷担保业务是一个亏钱的牌照。
Though often sold through state banks, which collect fees for acting as intermediaries, there is no guarantee that investors will get their money back if the third-party issuer has financial difficulties. 尽管往往通过国有银行发售(银行充当中介并据此收取费用),但如果第三方发行人遇到财务困难,投资者并无收回本金的保障。
Open procurement markets guarantee better competition and better value for money for the taxpayer. 公开的采购市场可确保更好的竞争,让纳税人的钱花得更有价值。
There is no guarantee that the money actually helps the poor. 也不能保证那些钱真正帮助了穷人。
And, if you do it right, you can pretty much guarantee you will get money that night, though the amounts will be more modest. 而且,如果你这样做的权利,你几乎可以保证你会得到钱,那天晚上,虽然数额将更加温和。
He gave them the papers which proved his ownership of the land, as a guarantee that he would repay the money. 他把自己土地的地契给他们做抵押品,保证他将偿还这笔钱。
Migrants have no real guarantee that these tiny unregulated operators will send the money to its intended destination. 至于这些得不到监管的小店是否会把钱送到指定目的地,移民们得不到切实的保证。
They guarantee little by way of return for the money invested. 他们在投资赢利方面没有给予多少保证。
Margin transaction guarantee money 保证金交易中所交存的保证金
You may understand it in that way, but a letter of guarantee won't require you to deposit the money in the bank. 你可以那样理解,但是保证函不需要你在银行里存上一笔款项。
I've never heard about Outlook, how can the school guarantee my money? Now there're too many training centers in China that just cheat people. 我从没听过奥诺国际英语,现在有很多公司都是骗人的,我交了钱后怎么保障?
The corporation extends loans, secured against first mortgages. margin transaction guarantee money 公司提供以押品作担保的流动资金。保证金交易中所交存的保证金
Do you guarantee our money this time? 你能向我们保证钱的安全吗?
There are three methods of construction guarantee: guarantee, hypothecate, earnest money, the bank guarantee will become the leading mode. 我国投标担保包括保证、质押和保证金三种模式,其中,保证担保应该是我国工程担保的主导模式。
Government is confronted with numerous difficulties, one of them is how to guarantee the efficient use of public money, and another is how to make the public believe that government is trying to manage public money better. 政府面临许多困难,难题之一是如何确保最有效地使用公共资金,另一难题是如何使公众确信政府是对公共资金进行良好的管理。
The joint funding company collecting money through bank loans, issuing currency or other ways and those small and middle enterprises can get correspondent money in accordance with contracts and their basic guarantee money. Due bank loans and bonds should be paid uniformly. 联合向银行贷款、发行债券或者其他方式筹集资金,企业根据合约以及缴纳的保证金比例获得相应的融资额度,到期对贷款或债券统一偿还。
Middle and small companies should pay some basic guarantee money and join in through partnership or stock-sharing. 集群内中小企业缴纳一定数量的基础保证金,通过合伙或者参股的形式加入。
For commercial bank, an effective credit evaluating system cannot just guarantee the safety of money, but also can ensure the logistics service can be continuously providing in an effective way. 信用风险控制的关键环节是信用评价,有效的信用评价体系既可以保证银行信贷资金的安全,也可以有效地保证信贷业务持续高效的开展。
However, due to lax supervision, security market is very confusing and many credit guarantee institutions engage in money lending and other illegal activities. 然而由于监管的滞后,担保市场鱼龙混杂,为数不少的信用担保机构打着担保的旗号,却从事着资金拆借、高利贷等违法违规行为。